Living Verse unwraps the gift of poetry while helping children reach new heights in both intellectual culture and language development. Your students will become stronger thinkers, stronger speakers, and stronger writers as they discover and model the language elements that create one of the oldest and most beautiful forms of writing.

Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry


“Poetry, is perhaps, the most searching and intimate of our teachers.”

-charlotte mason

living verse language arts in poetry


A 28-week full curriculum that cultivates the understanding and usage of the following language elements and skills:

  • grammar
  • vocabulary
  • punctuation
  • figurative language
  • poetic structure
  • poetic artistry
  • critical thinking
  • critical reading
  • reading fluency
  • speaking fluency and articulation
  • creative expression (verbal, written, visual)
  • narration (verbal, written, visual)
  • dictation
  • handwriting
  • spelling

A uniquely integrated language arts and poetry curriculum that creates a culture of joy, curiosity and beauty while bringing families closer 

Instructional lessons and student notebook offered in one simple to use volume to develop students ages 6-13.

Give your children a whole book, living language arts experience as they learn 36 language and poetry elements using Charlotte Mason's time-tested methods of learning. Through the 28 weeks of lessons your children will:

  • Meet a new poet and study his or her poems
  • Experience and create visual narrations of the poems
  • Recognize rhyme schemes through marking the poems
  • Identify the structure of the poems
  • Learn new vocabulary contained in the poems
  • Discover the language arts and poetic devices used in the poems
  • Interpret and reflect on the message of the poems
  • Copy portions of the poem 
  • Creatively express the poems through writing and recitation
  • Model the poems by composing original poetry
  • Celebrate the poets with illustrations, written narrations, and tea time 



"I loved how she found herself imagining herself in this poem. How it encouraged her to think of her own actions and who she was and wanted to be."  

homeschool educator

Living Verse cultivates the expression of your child's own living ideas.

Its written and visual narration prompts bring forth your child's unique thoughts in words and illustrations.

As your child records his learning in the beautiful Living Verse notebook, he'll be authoring a one-of-a-kind volume he can be proud of and treasure forever.

Learn language arts with the time tested and effective methodology of notebooking